Palin continues to hate freedom of speech, press

Sarah Palin’s lawyers have begun issuing warnings and threats to bloggers and the media that they will not tolerate defamation. These threats apparently stem from some bloggers, including liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, offering rumors and speculation that Palin’s quick resignation may be due to federal investigation for embezzlement or other crimes.

Palin, who recently announced she will quit in the middle of her term as governor of Alaska claims she is held to a different standard and unfairly criticized by the media.

Andrew Rosenthal, editor of the New York Times and head of the Global Mainstream Media Liberal Conspiratorial Council denied such allegations. “We don’t hold Gov. Palin to any different standard than our normal anti-right wing bias. Such allegations are incredibly hurtful to us, as we take great pride in being equally contemptuous to all the gun-toting, God fearing, right wing nut jobs out there.”*

* Yeah, this part is totally made up.

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