What will be August’s big story?

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Becky posed an interesting question to me the other day, and I thought I’d pose it to all of you: What do you think will be the big MSM news story of August, when Congress is in recess? August is traditionally the peak of the summer news lull, a time when stories like shark attacks and Gary Condit/Chandra Levy can come to dominate the news landscape, simply because there’s nothing else to talk about. And, particularly with hurricane season looking pretty tame, this August seems likely to be quite uneventful, which means the MSM will have to find something to obsess about.

So… what will it be this year? Will Gates-gate continue to simmer, long outliving its natural shelf life? Will the “birthers” keep growing in prominence? Will a crescendo of PANIC!!!!! about a resurgence of swine flu take over the media? Will some heretofore unknown scandal explode? Will the media spend the month doing detailed, rational, fact-based, accurate, analytical reporting on the pros and cons of health care reform? (Hahahahaha.) Will Michael Jackson rise up from the grave, heralding the beginning of the zombie war?

4 thoughts on “What will be August’s big story?

  1. Joe Loy

    The Crowleygates kerfuffle (aka, the Campaign to Criminalize Contempt-of-Cop) will indeed continue to Kerfuff — possibly Lubricated (rather than Quenched) by whatever Flows from the now-imminent White House Beer Bash — but only until it is bumped from the headlines by the Unnatural-Born Society’s disclosure of new evidence that Obama was in fact whelped by a bitch jackal in the Philippino-Kenyan quarter of Rome, with the Number of the Beast birthmarked behind his Ear.

    This story will retain its Legs (all 4 of them) for a week or so, until supplanted by the tragic Ingestion of Gary Condit by a Shark off Malibu.


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