Monthly Archives: July 2009

Peggy gets it

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Peggy Noonan has an unfortunate and well-documented history of doubletalk when it comes to Sarah Palin, but as last fall’s campaign wore on, the scales ultimately fell decisively from her eyes. Now, in her column today, she produces what I believe may be the seminal diss of Palin, explaining precisely and devastatingly why the unthoughtful, frivolous soon-to-be-ex-governor of Alaska “was… Read more »

A nerdy interlude: reflections on The Fellowship of the Ring

As a Tolkien nut, but a relative non-“purist” when it comes to Peter Jackson’s brilliant movies, I’ve always felt that The Fellowship of the Ring is the best adaptation out of the three films, whereas The Return of the King is the best movie on its own merits. And to that I hold. But, re-watching the first half of Fellowship… Read more »