Monthly Archives: July 2009

Amazon’s latest move is double-plus ungood.

One would think it’s a pretty safe assumption that, once you have bought something, it’s yours to keep, regardless of whether the place you bought it from stops selling it. If you buy e-books from Amazon for your Kindle, you should know that belief is wrong. When a publisher decided to stop providing digital editions of a pair of books… Read more »

Sonia Sotomayor and the moral high ground

Conservative blogger William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection says Yes to Sotomayor. (Hat tip: InstaPundit.) I haven’t watched the hearings — I’ve been, er, a little busy — but based on what I know, I’m inclined to agree: conservatives should vote “Yes.” Not because of ethnic politics, nor for reasons of short-term political preservation, but as a matter of principle,… Read more »

Space Shuttle Endeavour in orbit; concern over debris strikes

Space Shuttle Endeavour launched an hour or so ago from Kennedy Space Center on its delayed STS-127 mission. This was the sixth launch attempt for this mission, the previous five tries having been scrubbed for a mixture of technical and weather reasons. At first sight, the launch looked flawless. However, as slow motion replays became available shortly after Endeavour entered… Read more »