7 thoughts on “FriendFeed: World Net Daily …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Gahrie, be serious. Those are presumably links you found by Googling “bush antichrist” or something similar. Anyone can do that, about anything, and it proves exactly nothing. None of those sites are remotely equivalent to World Net Daily. According to Wikipedia:

    WorldNetDaily says it is the “the largest independent, full-service newssite in the world.” WND currently claims eight million visitors a month to its website. As of November 8, 2006, it is listed by Alexa as the most popular website in the “Conservatism > News and Media” category. WorldNetDaily articles are often linked by other websites, including the popular Drudge Report. On November 30, 2008, quantcast ranked WND.com in the top 1000 sites with a estimated monthly reach of 2.2 million. Alexa shows Worldnetdaily.com had a three month average traffic rank of 2,291 as of December 16, 2008.

    That latter rank has now dropped slightly to #2,586. Still, of the sites you link, the highest ranked is Seattle Weekly, which is more than an order of magnitude less prominent, at #32,100. The other two “sources,” claudemariottini.com and markswatson.com, are #963,160 and #1,566,073, respectively. (lulu.com doesn’t count because it’s just a book vendor, not a site that’s specific to the references book.) More to the point, I’d wager you’ll never see any prominent national liberal website linking to Seattle Weekly, Claude Mariottini, or Mark S Watson as a source of information. MAYBE the Seattle Weekly, once in the blue moon, but certainly not with the frequency that WND gets linked and discussed by other conservative sources.

    The point is, WND is a highly prominent conservative website. It’s very far right and pretty wingnutty, everybody knows that, and so I’m certainly not suggesting it’s representative of conservatism as a whole. But because of its sheer prominence and traffic, it can’t be dismissed out of hand. And now it is “reporting,” with a straight face, on the notion that Obama might be the Antichrist.

    (Admittedly, the article does point out that previous presidents have been attacked on this basis, too. But the article by no means mocks or dismisses the claims re: Obama. On the contrary, it discusses their merits in detail, and gives them a major platform.)

  2. Keri

    The truth comes out. Joe fed WND the story in his quest for (more) blog bragging rights. Not that I ever met you, but really Mr. Loy. Didn’t know you had it in you, those poor fooled WND people thinking they’re relying on solid Aramaic scholarship =0). Antichrist indeed.

  3. gahrie

    By the way, has any major media outlet used obviously forged documents to attempt to discredit President Obama yet?

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