3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: “Is Shark Week …

  1. David K.

    Well according to Sedevacentists, no, no he isn’t 🙂 Of course I consider them the Catholic equivalent of Birthers, so take it for what its worth.

  2. Joe Loy

    “Well according to Sedevacentists, no, no he isn’t :)…so take it for what its worth.”

    Well OK, I’ll try, FWIW :} ~ but I’m still not entirely sure just Who isn’t exactly What, here. / Is it that the poor victimized Shark isn’t a bigfat North Antrim Orange Prod, after all? / Or, that exCongressman Condit isn’t actually involved, not even as a rather unappetizing hors d’œuvre? // NOWAIT! — by George I think I’ve Got it! It’s that the Pope couldn’t have bitten the unoffending Shark because there hasn’t been a Pope since His Holiness Pius XII! ISN’T it? I KNEW it!! / Whew. Now at least I can Bear to Poop in the woods without Fear of mortal Sin. ;>

    “There was Half a Million people there,
    Of all Denominations:
    The Catholic, the Protestant, the Jew,
    and Presbyterian.

    ~ from “Galway Races” ;>

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