5 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Santorum for President??

  1. Joe Mama

    Not a fan. Having grown up in PA, I heard him a lot. He’s too churchy and goody-too-shoes for me (although he’s considerably less so when he’s guest hosting Bill Bennett’s radio show).

    On my morning drive I switch back and forth between Bennett and Howard Stern. Always wondered how many others have those two channels programmed back-to-back on their satellite radios…

  2. Jazz

    Have Rick Santorum and Sergio Garcia ever been spotted together in the same room? No? There ya go, birthers, there’s yer next investigation.

  3. Joe Mama

    . . . neither have Charlie Rangel and Susan Estrich (their voices give away the conspiracy).

  4. Sandy Underpants

    Are there any serious contenders from the Republicans? The last election was so much fun, lets just have McCain pick some other unqualified bimbo and do it all over again in 3 years.

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