Our stimulative couch

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Over the weekend, we made a pilgrimage to American Furniture Warehouse to check out the sectional couches they had on sale. We promptly fell in love with a beautiful sectional at a great price, and so, using a portion of our first-time homebuyers stimulus check, we bought it. Today, it was delivered. And it is awesome.


Since our purchase of the couch was made possible by stimulus funds, you can consider this blog post our thank-you note to our fellow taxpayers. 🙂 As for our decision to use that cash, or some of it anyway, to stimulate the economy by buying a couch, instead of stashing it all in savings: you’re welcome. Take that, paradox of thrift!

Oh, and if you’re wondering about the stuffed animal in the photo… it’s a gift to Loyette from David K., whom the girls & I met up with at the airport this evening during his layover at DIA. Technically it’s a lemur, but Loyette for some reason decided to call it a “mouse.” So, mouse it is. 🙂

After the jump, another view of the couch, showing its proximity to the TV.


With the giant couch facing it, our trusty old TV suddenly looks a bit small, doesn’t it? Hey Obama — wanna help us buy a HD flat-screen? 🙂

P.S. Here’s a shot of our old couch, now in the basement:


It served us well (and Becky’s parents before us) for many years, but as you can see from the holes in the worn leather, it was time to retire it to basement duty. 🙂

That’s Toby in the foreground, by the way. But the cats love the new couch. Here’s a shot of Sasha this morning:


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