6 thoughts on “FriendFeed: PANIC PANIC PANIC …

  1. Brendan Loy

    For purposes of the historical record, I should probably note that Drudge’s top headline right now is “OBAMA PANEL WARNS: SWINE FLU MAY KILL 90,000.” (Interestingly, I believe it originally said “WHITE HOUSE PANEL,” but Drudge changed it in the last few minutes — Heh.) Other headlines include “Speed up flu drugs; Needed in weeks… ‘Doctors’ offices and hospitals may get filled to capacity’… Virus poses ‘serious threat to nation’…” This went out as a “siren” a few minutes ago, resulting in an email alert and so forth. PANIC!!

  2. Alec Taylor

    On one level, you’ve got to admire the sheer audacity of combining “OBAMA PANEL” and “KILL 90,000” into the same headline…..

    He’s not worthy of a link from this blog.

  3. B. Minich

    Wait . . . is this . . . a DEATH PANEL?!?!?!?!

    I’m actually agree with the report (although it mentions that seasonal flu’s death toll is 40,000, which puts that number into perspective a bit). But the second round of a pandemic virus could be dangerous. The Spanish Influenza just kinda got people sick the first time around in the winter/spring. But in the fall/winter, it started killing a lot of people (a lot more than 90,000, I’ll remind people). So that could happen with this. I’d say watch with one eyebrow raised – no need to panic yet.

    Oh, never mind, what the hey . . . PANIC!!!!!!!!!

  4. gahrie

    I’m a substitute teacher this year….which means dozens of schools and thousands of schools……..so if I suddenly stop posting…..

  5. gahrie

    I just found out today that one of the teachers at the school I am working at this week has a confirmed case of H1N1……..

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