Today’s Seriously? Column

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I hardly think it takes explaining, but well it would seem the Police in the UK are missing something here.

They can respond within minutes when someone threatens to do something about illegally parked cars (just threatens, doesn’t actually do anything) but cannot be bothered to do anything about his complaints for months?

And lest we need to be clear on something, if there are cares still illegally parking on the sidewalk you haven’t actually cracked down on the problem. Cracking down would mean getting out the tow truck and towing every single car parked on the sidewalk.

Seems that would make them a good sum of money too.

1 thought on “Today’s Seriously? Column

  1. David K.

    Not only did they not crackdown on the problem, they arrested him when he never actually DID anything.

    A spokesperson added: “It is unfortunate Mr Duckfield decided to take matters into his own hands on this occasion.”


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