3 thoughts on “Twitter: Who’s up for …

  1. K Monet

    I read your blog using my Google Reader, and I’m subscribed using the “all blog posts” feed: http://www.brendanloy.com/lrt/feed/

    All your Twitter updates appear with a “Warning: implode()…” message. I’ve copied the full message at the bottom of this comment, for your reference.

    I’ve been reading your blog since the days of hurricane Katrina, and am very glad to see you back in the blog-o-sphere!


    Twitter: Who’s up for …
    from The Living Room Times by Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home3/brendao4/public_html/lrt/wp-content/plugins/fresh-from-friendfeed-and-twitter/fresh-from.php on line 1186 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home3/brendao4/public_html/lrt/wp-content/plugins/fresh-from-friendfeed-and-twitter/fresh-from.php on line 1186

    Who’s up for a college football Live Blog / Live Chat at http://brendanloy.com @ 1:30 PM MDT next Saturday, when both USC and ND kick off?

  2. Brendan Loy

    That’s weird, KC. Thanks for letting me know! Will have to look into that. I assume that’s true for the FriendFeed posts, too?

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