Monthly Archives: August 2009

Healthcare Stuff

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An interesting tweet just now by Stephen Fry (If you don’t know who Stephen Fry is, I feel sorry for you) Know this, Republicans.Even the most right wing British politician wouldn’t think of dismantling our health service. I think this is an interesting point. Why? Because it means the Democrats are going about this entire healthcare thing all wrong. There… Read more »

Perseids don’t disappoint

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I didn’t end up watching the Perseid meteor shower last night — I don’t need any extra sleep deprivation when I’ve got a 1-month-old at home, thank you very much — but says “anecdotal evidence is mounting” that the predicted “uptick” in meteor rates early this morning, around 0800 UT (2:00 AM MDT), did indeed happen. If so, those… Read more »

More of that transportation stuff

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I know I know, I babble on about this a lot… Still, I thought this article was really quite interesting. Specifically this point: During the same period, the Dutch have reduced their fatalities from 3200 to 800. If we calculate out the rate per 1000 people, the Dutch fatality rate is 40% of the American rate. This is remarkable, particularly… Read more »