Monthly Archives: August 2009

Meteor reminder

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As I mentioned last week, the Perseid Meteor Shower is due to peak tonight and tomorrow morning, with a possible hour-long burst of ~200 meteors per hour between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM Mountain Time (1-2am PDT, 4-5am EDT). Otherwise, “dozens of meteors per hour” are likely throughout the night, though the gibbous Moon will overwhelm the dimmer ones. Aside… Read more »

RNC forwarding their number to DNC

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Honestly, I’m not sure I get the point of doing this But it really makes me tempted to call the RNC number and ask to speak with Howard Dean.

Parts of speech (toddler edition)

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A quick baby story from this morning that I just have to share. I was sitting on the couch with Loyette in my lap, reading her a story, while Becky was holding a hungry Loyacita. (For the uninitiated, “Loyette” and “Loyacita” are the “blog nicknames” of my 19-month-old daughter and my 4-week-old daughter, respectively.) Becky wanted to grab breakfast before… Read more »


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After nearly 2 1/2 months of El Niño-induced calm in the Atlantic tropics, things are finally heating up. Tropical Depression Two has formed off the Cape Verde islands, and is likely to become Tropical Storm Ana over the next couple of days. This would be the latest formation date for the Atlantic basin’s “A” storm since… well, since 1992, when… Read more »