Monthly Archives: August 2009

Sarah Palin, illiterate idiot or outright liar

Well, she’s no longer governor but she is doing her best to stay in the spotlight. Sarah Palin is attacking the Obama health-care plan by using her son Trig. This from the same woman who has attacked others for mentioning or attacking her children (which was reasonable for her to do). So she’s a hypocrite, not surprising, but what is… Read more »

Peggy vs. Sully

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Peggy Noonan has a column out today about how the Democrats’ proposed “invention of a huge new entitlement carrying huge new costs” is “terrifying” voters. She makes some good points about Democrats’ unseemly disdain for actual voters with actual concerns. Still, Andrew Sullivan is not impressed with her take on the underlying issue: Where is there an entitlement? There is… Read more »