Monthly Archives: August 2009

Meteor alert!

      Comments Off on Meteor alert! has the scoop on a possible Perseid outburst next Wednesday morning, in the wee hours: This year’s Perseid meteor shower could be even better than usual. “A filament of comet dust has drifted across Earth’s path and when Earth passes through it, sometime between 0800 and 0900 UT (1 – 2 am PDT) on August 12th, the Perseid meteor… Read more »

Message vs. messenger

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In the course of talking about “Cash for Clunkers,” blogger Conor Friedersdorf makes an important, broader point: Here’s the thing: “the right” is an utter disaster at the moment. You’ve got frightening numbers of people who think President Obama is an illegal alien who faked his Hawaiian birth certificate; adherents who get much of their information from a cable news… Read more »