Monthly Archives: August 2009

Thought for the day II

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You’ve probably already heard about this story: A recent college graduate is suing her alma mater for $72,000 — the full cost of her tuition and then some — because she cannot find a job. Trina Thompson, 27, of the Bronx, graduated from New York’s Monroe College in April with a bachelor of business administration degree in information technology. On… Read more »

Thought for the day

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Many years from now, when historians look back on this decade, which day will they say “changed the world” more: 9/11/01, or 9/15/08? Perhaps the answer is 9/11 simply because it was more of a self-contained event, which, all by itself, set enormous changes into motion — whereas the collapse of Lehman Brothers was merely one catastrophic event among many… Read more »

On reading the bill

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Glenn Reynolds, advancing the conservative talking point du jour, asks: “Is it representative government when your representatives don’t read the bill?” Perhaps not. But if not, then it also wasn’t “representative government” when the Republican Congress passed the 342-page-long Patriot Act, or the 415-page-long Medicare prescription drug benefit bill, or the 1,700-plus-page-long Bush/Cheney energy bill of 2005, without reading them…. Read more »