6 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Obama to give …

  1. Brendan Loy

    P.S. Suggestions for drinking-game rules welcome. Off the top of my head:

    * Every time Obama references “bending the cost curve,” drink.
    * Every time Obama criticizes Republicans, explicitly or obliquely, for “playing politics,” drink.
    * If Obama reassures voters he “won’t kill grandma,” or words to that effect, do a shot.

  2. Brendan Loy


    No, what we need is to have a drinking game in which all of the liquor is purchased from the government, leading to long lines at your local government liquor store, rum rationing, and the unavailability of top-shelf brands because they’ve been driven out of business by the “public option.” And, of course, somehow, death panels.

  3. Mike Marchand

    I would propose drinking every time Obama mischaracterizes opposition to his plan — a double if he uses the “There are those who say . . .” strawman — but not everyone is able to get completely clobbered on a Wednesday night.

    Also: would it be tasteless if I suggested a drink every time Ted Kennedy is mentioned? I really don’t mean it as a commentary on the late senator’s life, but you know Obama’s going to name-check him at least once. I’ll just set the over/under at 2.5.

  4. gahrie

    you don’t have to threaten the Congressmen with death panels..just tell them they’ll be forced to enroll in the public option and give up their current health care.

  5. B. Minich

    Hey, there’s state liquor control boards all over the country! So perhaps they decide which beers are too old to work anymore? Giving Budwieser end of life care?

    Or perhaps if you drink too much, they assign you to death.

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