6 thoughts on “Patrick Swayze dies at 57

  1. Joe Mama

    Hope Kanye doesn’t show up at the funeral…

    Yo Patrick, I’m really sad for you, and I’ll let the eulogist finish, but Michael Jackson had one of the best funerals of all time. One of the best funerals of all time!

  2. dcl

    In all fairness to the jackass that is Kanye, either the dude is really truly deeply sorry about what he did or deserves an Emmy award for his acting performance on Leno last night and should really look into a career in acting. Perhaps he and Taylor Swift can do a re-make of Dirty Dancing… Just to try and pull this back into a tangent of the topic.

  3. Leanna Loomer

    There was a program about Swayze recently. The premise was his failing health, but it showed where he got his start and what he made of his career. He had trouble landing roles, because he was thought to be a lightweight… he was just too pretty. The SNL Chippendale piece with Chris Farley reflected that. But the career choices he made once he had them showed his substance and capacity to do impressive work. If his performance on his (final) series did not exist, maybe we would remember him more by his (earlier) good looks. That he did it while he was in great pain — and dying — should tell us he was never there to be handsome. Patrick Swayze had sand.

  4. Jazz

    Leanna’s post is a good one; just add the fact that Swayze apparently was a devoted family man in an industry that notoriously had few of those.

    Gotta admit though, the passing of Swayze a week after Jaycee Dugard emerged from that sick bastard’s backyard is another weird realization that as a father of small girls my worldview has totally changed. My (female) peers were only a couple years older than Dugard when Dirty Dancing came out; pretty much everyone loved it and loved that Swayze character.

    Now that I have daughters of my own, I am not sure how comfortable I am with the thought of them dreaming of being “Baby”. Kind of creepy.

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