6 thoughts on “Twitter: Predicted Top 15: …

  1. Brendan Loy

    10 through 13 could be in any order, and will probably be fairly close in points. I have OU getting a boost because their 45-0 margin of victory over Tulsa will suggest to voters that they’re getting their act together, and the BYU loss was a fluke caused by immediate aftermath of injury (not true, IMHO, but just trying to get in voters’ minds here), and VaTech jumping because of quality, televised win over Nebraska. But this results in tOSU dropping two spots despite perfectly unobjectionable win over Toledo, so maybe the voters will be lazy and not shake things up.

  2. David K.

    BYU drops further is my guess. UW should get some votes, although getting ranked at this point seems like too much to hope for.

    Man oh man I wish we had not messed up those TWO plays in the LSU game.

  3. Brendan Loy

    You may well be right about BYU. I debate whether to put them or Cincinnati in the #15 spot. I think the win over Oklahoma keeps BYU in the Top 20, but exactly where in the 15-20 range they fall is anybody’s guess.

  4. Jazz


    Congrats on your Huskies making it to the rankings. I totally forgot (because I don’t pay attention to the Pac-10) that Washington lost to #15 BYU last fall as a result of the strange Locker celebration penalty.

    Was any other winless team in history ever a (suspicious celebration) penalty from overtime with a Top 20 opponent?

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