I heart Sean McDonough

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I’ve mentioned before that I have a man-crush on announcer Sean McDonough, who was responsible for pretty much all of the most memorable baseball calls of my youth. (“Hooking toward the corner, BRUNANSKY!!!“) Whenever I hear him call a game, it’s like I’m a 9-year-old kid again — sort of the sports equivalent of how I feel listening to my parents’ old crackling vinyl Christmas-music records.

Anyway, as Stewart Mandel notes, Saturday’s college football action gave rise to a classic McDonough moment. Mandel headlines it, “Sean McDonough attempts to one-up Gus Johnson”:

Last week, Gus Johnson nearly had a heart attack on air while calling Denver Broncos receiver Brandon Stokley’s 87-yard game-winning touchdown against the Cincinnati Bengals. Saturday, it sounded as if Sean McDonough’s lungs might pop right out of his body following Virginia Tech quarterback Tyrod Taylor’s two miraculous throws to beat Nebraska.

I missed it live, because I was watching USC-UW at the time, but here’s the clip: