Dear Oregon,

      4 Comments on Dear Oregon,

Don’t ever change.

I don’t mean that in the sappy, high-school-yearbooky sort of way. I mean, literally, don’t change. As in your uniforms. As in, for the love of God, keep wearing the throwbacks!

Seriously. Please keep wearing the throwback uniforms. I’m not saying they’re the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. But they at least look, y’know, not completely awful, unlike the monstrosities that Nike usually makes you wear. You actually look like a football team, for a change. Plus, you beat Cal 864 to 3 (or thereabouts) while wearing them. That has to count for something, right?

Anyway, if you’re going to be the new standard bearer for the argument that the Pac-10 isn’t just the Pac-1 … it would be helpful to not look completely retarded. So just, honestly, please, keep wearing ’em. Mmmkay?

P.S. See you on Halloween!

In the mean time … Fight on Trojans! Beat! the Bears!

Oh, and … Go Irish! Beat Huskies!

4 thoughts on “Dear Oregon,

  1. B. Minich

    Did you ever think that Cal would ever look worse then Oregon during a game? I did not.

    Plus, it reminds me of the Penn State Rose Bowl against the Ducks when they wore those colors. Good memories. Unlike today, or last year’s Rose Bowl.

    Excuse me, I’m going to live in 1995 a while . . . see you later!

  2. Brendan Loy Post author


    I would say I’m sorry about your Nittany Lions, but of course, because of the necessities of the BCS, we both know that’d be a lie. I needed Penn State to lose, so that either USC and/or my MMBDOTM (Mid-Major Bandwagon Darling(s) Of The Moment – Boise State, Houston, TCU, whomever – I’m a whore!) will have a better shot.

    But hey, look on the bright side: now I can root for Penn State to beat Ohio State. 🙂 And who knows, if USC goes to the title game, and Iowa gets a couple of losses, maybe you’ll get a Rose Bowl rematch against Oregon!

  3. JD

    Those were throwbacks? I thought an epidemic of sanity had broken out among Oregon’s uniform designers. I agree: DON’T CHANGE!

    On a related uniform note, I’ve decided that Iowa State’s constant search for a brand identity is not unlike that of Pepsi’s. In their respective fields, the second banana (or at least, the one perceived to be in that spot) has a redesign every so many years in an attempt to drum up interest, while the other – Hawkeyes, Coca-Cola – remains remarkably consistent.

    To further strain the metaphor, the latest change for both ISU and Pepsi is one of the worst yet. Those colors may work for USC, but they aren’t cardinal and gold.

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