Monthly Archives: September 2009

I remember

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I remember waking up at 6:50 AM Pacific Time, eight years ago today, to the sound of Becky’s voice talking frantically into my answering machine (my phone’s ringer had been turned off), saying something about how we were under attack by terrorists. I didn’t catch all the details because I was too groggy, having gone to bed around 3:00 AM… Read more »

More ISS flyover photos

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Space Shuttle Discovery’s scheduled landing was scrubbed Thursday afternoon, so in the evening, I was able to see the Shuttle and the International Space Station together in the sky for the third consecutive night. Well, sort of. This time, they were far enough apart that I didn’t actually see them both simultaneously (the Shuttle had “set” behind a nearby house… Read more »

Our collective failure

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In the course of a FiveThirtyEight blog post on last night’s ObamaCare speech, Tom Schaller reminds us more broadly that the policies which have left our nation in a deep fiscal hole — exacerbating (and complicating the solutions to) other crises, like health care and infrastructure and the Great Recession of 2008-09, while also growing rapidly into a crisis unto… Read more »