Twitter: LOL @allahpundit: How …
Not a bad opening day. Up next: Ohio State and Michigan, respectively. BEAT THE BUCKEYES!!! and BEEEEAT SKUNKBEARS!!!
YAY!!! It’s football season!!! The party officially starts at 3:30 PM EDT (when USC and ND kick off), but y’all are welcome to start using the Live Chat window (below right) whenever. As for the Live Blog (below left), I expect the frequency of my updates will vary wildly, as I’ll sometimes be holding a baby or chasing a toddler… Read more »
Beat the Wolf Pack!
Beat the Spartans!
Once upon a time, say five years ago, my ritual on the night before any given Saturday of college football season (at least one with an ND home game) would have been something like this: Go out with friends to Corby’s, have a bunch of drinks, talk football and law nerdery and miscellaneous nonsense, then head to The Backer, have… Read more »
“What part of the Constitution says you get to take over health care?” That would have been an excellent question to ask — in 1965. But I haven’t exactly seen a groundswell of conservatives asking it in the 44 years since Medicare became law, calling for the repeal of this obviously unconstitutional program. Nor, certainly, was this question being so… Read more »