Monthly Archives: September 2009

ISS/STS-128 visibility

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The space shuttle Discovery is presently docked at the International Space Station, and the combined facility will be visible from most of North America over the coming days. The duo circles the planet every 91.4 minutes at an altitude of 216 miles (347 km), and if it happens to pass over your location around morning or evening twilight, it will… Read more »

Pick ’em contest & Liveblog bleg

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First of all, one final (?) reminder. To join the 1st annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ‘em Contest, click here, then enter Group ID number 16830 and password irishtrojan. Deadline is 11:55 AM EDT tomorrow (Saturday). Secondly, is there anyone who’s going to a game tomorrow — particularly the USC or Notre Dame games — and who would… Read more »

Beelzebub crashes car into CT hospital

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Yes & it just confirms what I always suspected: Lucifer is in league with Obama to wreck our Health-care system. ;> SOUTHINGTON — – Saying he’s the devil, a man who had just bailed out of a car he had driven into a hospital lobby early this morning attacked a local officer, police said. …The bizarre chain of events started… Read more »