Monthly Archives: September 2009

Let’s make a deal

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[NOTE: Because this post is stirring such a vibrant discussion, I’m bumping it up a bit (update: re-bumped!) so it won’t scroll off the page yet. -ed.] I have a modest proposal for Pajamas Media’s Roger L. Simon, who writes that “ACORN is a poster boy for the welfare state in all its manifestations. This is no sideshow. It’s the… Read more »

Holder: “imminent threat” averted in Zazi case; bombs mixed at Aurora hotel

ABC News reports that authorities believe they have successfully disrupted a Denver-based terrorism plot that “is shaping up as the most serious attempt by al Qaeda to strike at the United States since the September 11 attacks”: The accused al Qaeda bomb maker from Denver planned to use chemicals and hair care products he bought at beauty parlor supply stores… Read more »