I can’t decide…

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…if USC has rediscovered its mojo, or if Cal is just this bad. 20-0 at halftime.

USC California Football

Fight On! Beat the Bears! And then… well… I won’t say anything about what comes next, yet.

P.S. Way to go, Irish!

Washington Notre Dame Football

(Because, for the next 60 to 90 minutes or so, I’m still a Notre Dame fan.)

P.P.S. Hahahahaha, UCLA lost!

UCLA Stanford Football

We’re two quarters away from the Brendan Loy version of a Perfect Day. Let’s finish it, Trojans!

1 thought on “I can’t decide…

  1. B. Minich

    Could somebody tell Cal that wearing yellow uniforms doesn’t look cool, but makes them look lame? Especially when they used to have good uniforms until they went all modern on us. Eesh.

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