1 thought on “Twitter: 13-7 Trojans. This …

  1. Jazz

    Ultimate example of why Weis completely sucks:

    When teams defer at the opening toss, there are basically two reasons: the first is to show some new defensive looks to their opponent, hopefully deep in their territory with good field position. The bigger reason is ideally to get the daily double at the half, score before the half and score again after.

    So when you’re still close in your make-or-break game, down by 6 with 4th and 3 at their 39, with 3 minutes left in the half, you DO NOT FRICKING PUNT!!!!

    If you noticed, in his runoff interview at the half, that fat buffoon said, “Well I punted on 4th and 3 because I didn’t want to let USC score again.”

    What a loser.

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