3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Facebook thoroughly confuses …

  1. David K.

    If it ain’t broke…

    Why do they feel the need to constantly redesign things for the sake of redesigning them. I really get the feeling they dont’ do much useability testing and put in much thought before putting out these new “features”. Heck, I didn’t even know why the heck they changed it until I read the linked post, I just saw that it was randomly different when I logged in.

  2. Mike Marchand

    You know, I said that when they switched to the “new” Facebook, and honestly, I can’t remember the way it used to be. So I’ll just trust them.

    Though I wish I could trim down the feed so irrelevant stuff doesn’t clog it up. For example, I don’t need to know that My Friend has just become friends with Someone I Don’t Know, unless that person might be someone I would also like to be friends with (e.g. same high school or whatever).

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