4 thoughts on “FriendFeed: A new reason …

  1. David K.

    I think that instead of suspending Spikes for half the game, they should let LeGarrett Blount sucker punch him before the game and after half time and then make Spikes play.

  2. Jazz

    On the hierarchy of bad things to do to an unsuspecting opponent, jamming your fingers in the other guy’s eye must be somewhat worse than Blount’s garden variety sucker punch, if only because the eye gouge is more likely to do permanent, meaningful damage than the sucker punch. Nice to see Blount got a season while Spikes got a couple of possessions.

    Good on Tebow though:

    “I don’t think that we did anything in that game that they didn’t do,” quarterback Tim Tebow told reporters.

    Never really been much a fan of Tebow, maybe in part because my own experience of the Christian faith doesn’t really extend to cutting the penises of screaming Third World infants – sans any training, of course – in the name of Jesus while on a missionary tour.

  3. Jazz

    Without getting into the whole circumcision vs. no circumcision argument, that article is a bit creepy isn’t it? Timmy Tebow and the rest of the bible-pounding fundamentalists drive a bus with medical supplies into the heart of the most impoverished part of the Phillipines, where the people have no electricity, no running water, no nothing.

    While there, team Tebow provides brand new toothbrushes, removes a few dangerous cysts, gets the natives’ vitals checked, and then circumcises their boys for God. The Phillipines is a staunchly Catholic country, which means that circumcision should generally be supported by the population.

    But here’s the money quote:

    “It was a pretty amazing sight,” Young said. “People wanted to get care so much they were fighting to get on the bus. They all thought their number should be next.”

    If I let the football boy circumcise my kid, can we skip in the line? Tell you what, for a couple extra toothbrushes, he can mess with mine if he’d like too.


  4. ml66uk

    Actually, the Catholic church is very much opposed to circumcision, and has been for centuries. The Philippines and the USA are exceptions, but 95% of the world’s Christians do not circumcise. In the most Christian countries in the world (places like Mexico, Poland, Brazil, Spain, Italy), the practice is almost unknown.

    But yeah, driving a bus around and cutting parts off children’s genitals is seriously creepy.

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