3 thoughts on “Twitter: GO PEDRO! BEAT …

  1. Jazz

    If Andy Pettitte maintains his career pace, he would get to 300 wins before his 42nd birthday, a little over 4 seasons from now. Probably unlikely, as his pace has slowed somewhat in his second Yankee tour.

    OTOH, he’s made 32+ starts in his latest three seasons, back in New York. He doesn’t throw particularly hard. I’d say Pettitte has about a 20% or so chance of making the Hall of Fame.

    A 20% chance of being about the unlikeliest Hall of Famer, one could argue.

  2. Jazz

    Shoot, the foremost expert on who makes the Hall of Fame said that Pettitte “probably” would make the HOF. That definitionally makes my 20% guess way too low.

    (See the bottom of the left-hand column on page 3 of the attached link).

  3. Joe Mama

    Ahhh…nothing cheers my heart quite like Pedro getting clobbered by the Yankees. I couldn’t quite bring myself to hate the Phillies this fall — you can’t like baseball and not like Utley, Howard, Charlie Manuel, et al. The Phillies are also the losing-est team in professional sports, reigning champs or not…the Yankees could lose every game over the next 16 seasons and not lose as much as the Phillies have, so it’s kind of hard to hate ’em. Pedro, on the other hand…well, he is a great foil for Yankees fans, even when he isn’t wearing a red sux jersey. THANK YOU, PEDRO!

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