Happy Birthday, Sesame Street!

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If I were to rank the TV shows I spend the most time watching, Sesame Street — or, as Loyette calls it, “Fi-Fi!!!” — would probably be second only to “assorted live sporting events” (if that even counts as a show). Such is the life of a parent of an almost-two-year-old. 🙂 As a result, I tend to get random Sesame Street songs stuck in my head, like this one, which I referenced in my Facebook status yesterday:

Hey — it’s better than the songs I used to get stuck in my head during Loyette’s Barney phase. Much, much better.

Anyway, I mention this because today is Sesame Street‘s 40th birthday. Happy Birthday, Big Bird & co.! Oh, and you too, Captain Vegetable:

More Sesame Street videos here.

P.S. Lest any anti-television nazis get the wrong idea, I should probably point out that we don’t actually watch that much TV with Loyette. Her viewing of Sesame Street (or Dora the Explorer, or occasionally, ugh, Barney) is strictly limited to a handful of viewings per day, 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Of course, she also loves reading her “bee bah book” (Big Bird book) and her Dora books. Lately, she’s taken to insisting on reading books to herself, by saying “SELF!” 🙂 It’s always entertaining to see which words, or quasi-words, she remembers and says out loud as she flips through the pages. (Often she’ll get to the end of the book, proclaim “Theeee End!”, then start over. So cute.)

3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Sesame Street!

  1. Jazz

    Was driving around recently with the radio on as background noise, but then the Plain White T’s song came on, and I was like, “Hey there Delilah? Delilah? That’s not how that song goes”.

    The show doesn’t just creep into your subconscious though. Our family ends up preferring everyone who’s been on Sesame Street. Neil Patrick Harris as the Shoe Fairy? Love it, so we love How I Met Your Mother. Brian Williams talking about Mine-itis? Love it, so love NBC Nightly News.

    If you happen to be a celebrity and want my family to watch your show or buy your endorsed products, the best thing for you to do would be a skit on Sesame Street.

  2. Mike Marchand

    The last time I saw any of “Sesame Street” was when I stumbled in on a house party where everyone was completely stoned, and one guy insisted that Snuffleupagus’ voice isn’t as raspy as it used to be, so he played the episode he had on DVR to prove it to his similarly baked entourage, and that’s roughly where I came in.

    But while there, I saw Jack Black touting the awesomeness of the octagon. So I suppose Jazz will be buying the DVD of Year One for Christmas.

  3. Jazz

    So I suppose Jazz will be buying the DVD of Year One for Christmas.

    Actually, we’ve already put down the surprisingly-large deposit to hold our daughter’s spot in the School of Rock.

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