Monthly Archives: November 2009

USC could still go to the Rose Bowl

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Unfortunately, the scenario involves Wazzu winning, so it ain’t gonna happen. But Ken Stern can dream: [T]here would have to be a 6 way tie for the conference lead (with 6-3 records) among Oregon, Arizona, Stanford, Cal, Oregon State and USC. Under that scenario the first tie-breaker is the record against those teams and USC, Oregon State and Arizona would… Read more »

The imperfect day

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Most Trojan fans consider a “perfect day” to be a day when USC wins, and Notre Dame and UCLA both lose. As an “Irish Trojan,” I have a different definition: a Brendan Loy Perfect Day is a day when USC and ND both win, and UCLA loses. That’s happened a bunch of times since I enrolled at Notre Dame. What… Read more »