16 thoughts on “Twitter: World Cup group …

  1. B. Minich

    Aaaaand the host nation is officially screwed, being put in a group with Mexico, Uraguay, and France.

    I like the US’s chances to get to the knockout, though. Algeria and Slovenia just seem unlikey to take the other spot.

    This is speaking out of my EXTENSIVE (read: non-existant) knowledge of world soccer. USA! USA!

  2. Brendan Loy



    (Having Britain as a rival is awesome, because nobody gets offended by slurs against the British. It’s sort of like making fun of Canadians. All bets are off.)

  3. B. Minich

    Pretty much. Except there are more annoying people in Britian. Every Canadian I’ve ever met is annoyingly nice. The Brits I know are nice, but some of them, you could get mad at if you didn’t know them. Its hard to seriously hate on Canada for any length of time.

    Britian, on the other hand . . . (Well, technically England. Because Scotland and Wales have their own teams, which never qualify. BEAT! THE ENGLISH!)

    Now, if only Henry hadn’t illegally touched a soccer ball, we might have actually been able to say “BEAT! THE IRISH!”

  4. Brendan Loy

    LOL… that would’ve been awesome. But, what’s even more awesome is, now I can bust out my collection of anti-British songs by the Clancy Brothers, the Wolfe Tones, etc. Hee hee.

    But when he got to the railway bridge
    The rebels he saw there
    Ol’ Johnson knew the game was up
    For at him they did stare
    He said, “I have a permit
    To travel near or far.”
    “To Hell with your English permit!
    We want your motor car!”

    Teehee. Not remotely relevant, but very fun to sing.

    Goooooooo Amurricans, Beeeeeeeeat Redcoats! (Again!)

  5. B. Minich

    By the way, if the US team ever plays the Irish, we should host the game at the Coliseum, fill it with USC fans, and bring the USC band. And basically have them act like they are playing Notre Dame. BEAT! THE IRISH! That would be awesome.

  6. Brendan Loy

    (I remember once, when I was at USC, there was a USA-Mexico soccer game at the Coliseum. As I recall, the USA was not really the home team, fan-wise. Heh.)

  7. B. Minich

    These days, they should hold that game in Seattle. Big soccer following, and much less likely to have more Mexican fans then USA fans. Also, I don’t think this would be a risk if the Irish team plays in LA. LA works for the Irish (and probably any European team), but not the Mexicans.

  8. David K.

    If they host a game in Seattle, they need to be careful though, we shouldn’t ever play Lebanon here. What with the tree right there on their flag, the left-wing hippies wouldn’t know what to do!

  9. David K.

    Columbia might be a tough one as well, how does Seattle root against one of the top coffee bean producing countries out there?

  10. B. Minich

    Indeed. This is why I only suggested European countries for Seattle.

    Also, we should never play Lebanon at Stanford. Whatever their nickname is, they have a tree as a mascot, and I think that the tree in the Stanford ‘S’ looks suspiciously like the tree on the Lebanonese flag. And what would the drunken tree do? He’d be very confused.

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