4 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Charlie Weis Drops …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    I don’t think Charlie knows if this is true or not, but how much more validation for being a scumbag can Charlie need? Granted, most people just thought he was an over-rated blowhard that doesn’t know much about coaching football, but this really crosses the scumbag line. He got beat by Pete Carroll 5 times straight and most of those losses were by the biggest margins in Notre Dame-USC history. I’m sure that fact will stand much longer than this rumor.

  2. David K.

    What an absolute asshole. Weis got treated the way he did because he was an arrogant prick who failed on the field despite all the hype. Notre Dame should be EMBARRASSED that they hired him. Total and complete hypocrite given his attitude towards his own family being off limits.

  3. Jazz

    Sandy and David – I’m inclined to be slightly more charitable re: Weis’ character if only because his track record for “good Christian” behavior is pretty good (outside the football sphere). Also, because as Dale Carnegie pointed out, we all tend to think of ourselves in the most sympathetic light possible, and in Weis’ case, maybe he thinks of himself as the “unlucky” former New England coach at a big-time D1 program, where Carroll is the “lucky” coach of the same. That luck had little to do with it, and that the “type” of coach was significantly different, are distinctions for us outsiders to notice, not the defense-mechanism driven person himself.

    The more interesting thing about Charlie hitting the nuclear button is that, unlike fellow high-profile flyers who crashed and burned, for example Gerry Faust at ND or Frank Solich at Nebraska, it would appear that a lowly MAC school doesn’t have a soft landing spot for him. That makes sense given that Weis seemed to suck at coaching a special kind of bad, such that he is not good enough even for Akron or Ohio.

    Or I could be reading too much into this. Maybe Weis tried to get his piece too, inviting a comely grad student to share a warehouse in Gary, and she said “Ewww!”

  4. David K.

    Charitable? He just insinuated that Carroll was having an affair. There is no charity involved there. I also have a hard time buying his explanation of what happened. I think his ego took a huge hit and he lashed out at one of the biggest reasons for his failure at ND, his inability to beat Pete Carroll.

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