3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Remember USC’s 2007-08 …

  1. maineiac13

    Since these are self-imposed penalties why did USC have to include a ban on this years’ team post season play. It seems like all the other penalties should have been enough…and then if the NCAA didn’t agree that would have been the time to take additional action. It is really sad because with all the problems the team had, the players who left after Floyd “quit”, etc…..the team has now won 8 straight games and really seemed to be on its way to a good season….wonder what this will do to team morale the rest of the year?

  2. B. Minich

    So glad that justice has been done here! Amazing – I mean, what with saying that things that happened never did, and POOF! It reverses time and space! OJ Mayo never happened now!

    Can we have a university or the NCAA vacate WWII? I mean, this seems like a great way to prevent the Holocaust!!!!!

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