3 thoughts on “Twitter: I think I …

  1. Brendan Loy

    And on my blog. It’ll be like the good old days! 🙂 Yeah, I hate some of their alerts (BREAKING NEWS! MICHAEL JACKSON IS STILL DEAD!), but I think it’s worth the occasional annoyance to be sure that my blog always has mega breaking news events posted almost immediately.

  2. Brendan Loy

    P.S. You might appreciate the content of my recent test. 🙂

    (It was just a test of the email-to-Twitter aspect, not the Twitter-to-blog aspect, which is already well established. So I deliberately prevented it from posting to the blog, by deleting it from my FriendFeed immediately after tweeting it. But real CNN tweets should post here automatically, like all of my tweets do, unless I type *# at the end.)

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