Hello and welcome. My name is Tim Stevens and I’ll be your host through this and (hopefully) many other editions of Complaint of the Week. This is what I call my intro column. No real content, just me subtly begging you to keep reading me. Tomorrow (or possibly later today)…that’s when the real content arrives. But please, please, please don’t leave yet.
So the first thing you need to know is that “Complaint of the Week” is not entirely accurate. It is a callback to an email column I did while I was in high school. That one literally was a complaint a week (That’s right, I used to email a column out on a weekly basis. “Why?” you might ask. Because that’s what awesome people did in their mid to late teens in the 90’s.) These days, however, I have matured a bit and feel no need to hate everything. Just most things…
Anyway, this will be more like what I did in college in the Voice and after college, briefly, for one of good master Brendan’s earlier websites. Random musing on whatever strikes my fancy. There will be complaining, to be sure, but the title is mostly nostalgia.
As for the “of the Week” thing, well…I will try damn hard, I promise you that. Whether or not I can keep it up is a different matter entirely. For now though, let’s all pretend that I know what I am doing and that deadlines will not be a problem.
The last, most important question is: why do I care about this guy’s musings? You probably don’t, at least not yet. But hey, maybe you will. You did not always know that [insert favorite food here] was your favorite food, but then one day, you tried it. Try this…maybe I’ll be the written equivalent of [insert favorite food again]. Or, at the least, [insert other food that is enjoyable but not to nearly the same extent]. Besides Brendan thinks enough of me to given me this space, right? And you like Brendan, right? So you wouldn’t want to make him cry but not reading his friend’s column, would you? Of course you wouldn’t! You’re not some kind of jerk, after all.
Anyway, that’s me, that’s Complaint of the Week. Before you go, though, I have always been taught that a photo of you really helps the audience connect with you in a deeper way. So…here you go:

My, that is a dapper gent, isn't it?
Enjoy that eye candy.
And, yes, before you ask, I am wearing a tux and standing in a church. Because that’s the essence of Tim Stevens. I own twelve suits, six of them are tuxes (tuxes would fall under the suit category of clothing, yes?), I spend at least 7 hours every day standing, arms akimbo, inside churches. Often while wearing a tux. Like I am here. Because, again, that’s just who I am.
Welcome back, El Presidente.
At some point, you’re going to complain about Lieberman, I trust? 🙂
Me? Complain about Lieberman? When have I ever….
Brendan – is Tim *really* less than 24 inches tall, like he looks in his picture ?
Yes. However, he actually has an enormous mane of hair. The camera lies…
eh, its not so cluttered around here. I’m just about the only “regular” guest blogger who posts, and Brendan is busy with his whole job + family thing to be as prolific as he used to be. The more the merrier I say, antyhing to keep me distracted at work while I wait for a test to run or code to compile.