4 thoughts on “Twitter: Mark Sanchez’s Jets …

  1. kcatnd

    I would like to note that both of these QBs attended my high school and broke my heart by going to USC, while I went to ND!

  2. Sandy Underpants

    I didn’t see the game, but I read that Sanchez went 5-6 for passing. As a percentage that’s fantastic, but I don’t get it, they essentially ran it on every play? That’s interesting. I’d love to see a Sanchez vs Bush or Sanchez vs Leinart Super Bowl, but I think the Colts should beat the Jets by about 50 if NY is just going to run every on every down next week.

  3. Sandy Underpants

    I realized that later, maybe I was watching something on TiVo when that 5-6 scrolled by and thought it was the final stat, but nonetheless, 15 pass attempts isn’t really lighting up the passing game either.

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