So… Avatar was good.

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Did I miss anything while I was out at the movies? Heh.

Actually, I was in the loop, thanks to a barrage of text messages from friends near and far. It started while I was waiting in line for popcorn, with a trio of text messages at 6:34 PM from a Notre Dame classmate and a Denver co-worker, all telling me USC had hired Lane Kiffin. Then came another text message, and another, and another, continuing well into the movie. I wanted to ignore them, rather than repeatedly pulling the ultimate d**k move of checking my cell phone in a darkened theater — but there was also the possibility that I’d be getting a text from our babysitter, Kristy, with some crisis related to the girls, so I had to keep checking. As a result, even as I was watching Jake Sully bond with the Na’vi while simultaneously betraying them to Stock Military Villain and Stock Sniveling Bureaucrat, I was also learning more about how Lane Kiffin had betrayed Tennessee (per Jay) and how Ed Orgeron would, and Norm Chow might, be joining Kiffin in Los Angeles. Heh. Funny timing.

So… what do I think of the news? Dunno. Haven’t really had time to digest it. Also, I want to see those Chow reports and rumors solidify into fact. But if indeed Chow and Orgeron are both back, that’s pretty damn awesome, and goes a long way toward making up for the pain of Carroll’s departure — and the trepidation that goes with hiring college football’s equivalent of Joe Biden as our head coach. (Anyone want to start a pool on when Kiffin commits his first gaffe?)

Regardless: Fight On!

P.S. After the jump, a photo (courtesy of BK) and video (courtesy of SB Nation) of some of the reaction in Knoxville. Warning: profanity.
