4 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Sometimes, Twitter’s “Trending …

  1. David K.

    Not related at all, but clicking on your masthead takes you to the flickr page for all your mastheads instead of to the home page like it used to. Not sure if this is intentional or not.

  2. Brendan Loy

    It is intentional, though I’m not sure if I’ll keep it that way. I like the idea of having the mastheads in a Flickr group, but according to Flickr Community Guidelines, I’m supposed to link back to the Flickr image/group page somehow if I’m going to be using a Flickr-stored image, or set of images, on my site.

    You can still get back to the homepage by clicking either the Home icon, or the block that says “Homepage (Blog & Mini-Posts).”

  3. David K.

    Yes, but that means having to click on a small icon, rather than a big picture. Not to mention having to re-learn where to click, and well, i’m lazy 🙂

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