18 thoughts on “Twitter: Nate Silver: “Coakley’s …

  1. Joe Loy

    Prediction (%’s rounded off): Brown 56%, Coakley 42%, Kennedy [Liberty Party] 2%.

    All the other Save Healthcare Scenarios being politically Crap — [e.g., how can Harry Reid sufficiently stall the seating of an Unofficially-landslide Republican Senate winner so soon after Pelosi boldly swore in an Unofficially-modest-margin Democratic House winner in NY CD 23 long before his actually-Narrower plurality was Certified but still just in time for the veryclose House healthcare vote] — the only remaining Question is: can Nancy & Steny & Rahm, in the political backwash of the Massachusetts Catastrophe, cobble together 218 votes to pass the Senate bill verbatim, with nary a Jot nor Tittle amended or deleted or added?

    I don’t think so. // I hope I’m wrong of course. But if so it’ll be truly the Miracle on the Potomac. (If I’m wrong about who Wins in MA, it’ll be veritably the Resurrection on the Charles.)

    Bah. Why couldn’t somebody have talked Joe Kennedy III into running, despite his understandable reservations & reluctances? / Or Teddy Jr. Sure’n he has no governmental experience but that didn’t deter his sainted Dad back in the ’62; and yeah he’s been long domiciled in Connecticut but carpetbagging didn’t faze his Uncle Bobby, nor the good citizens of NY, in ’64.

    Fie. ;[

  2. gahrie

    Or just maybe….actually sit down with the Republicans and try to write a bi-partisan bill….. I know..ridiculous, but I can’t help it..I’m a dreamer.

  3. gahrie

    by the way…I will predict 51% for Brown, 48% for Coakley and 2% for Kennedy (most of whose supporters will think they are actually voting for one of Those Kennedys)

  4. Alasdair

    Gahrie – and then the election certified as accurate for Massachusetts – with 101% votes … (grin) …

    So, Respected Elder Loy – how was the Haggis ? Did your SWMBO enjoy some of it, once she realised that it contains no pork whatsoever ? (bigger grin)

  5. Joe Loy

    Brendan: this morning on MSNBC’s oddly-named “The Daily Rundown” they briefly showed, without comment, a screen graphic of The President’s Schedule for today (as I think they do daily). When I noted that one of the entries was “Meeting with Senator Voinovich” I came fully awake and declared aloud, “Ah-HA!” George Voinovich — Olympia Snowe 2.0, with Stealth! Stick it in your Bay, Massachusetts! / But No! Alas! / Dammit, there must be something Ohio wants. Roads. Bridges. Indiana. Something. Don’t give up, President Johnson Obama. Yes we Can. ;>

  6. Brendan Loy

    Dammit, there must be something Ohio wants. Roads. Bridges. Indiana.

    I think most Notre Dame fans would agree to let Indiana be taken over by Ohio if, in exchange, the NCAA will give Brady Quinn (now a quarterback for the Cleveland Browns) an additional four years of eligibility to play for the Irish under Brian Kelly’s new offensive scheme. 🙂

  7. Joe Loy

    PS: on “The Daily Rundown” they also routinely report the White House Soup of the Day. No kidding, they do. I think it said today’s is Mushroom. / I say whatever flavor Tomorrow’s soup is, the White House will find itself In it. 😉

  8. Alasdair

    Elder Loy – the White House Soup of the Day is actually Muchroom Soup due to there being muchroom for improvement in what the White House is doing …

  9. Joe Loy


    “…I can’t help it..I’m a dreamer.”

    We know. But you’re Not the Only one. :}

    “…I will predict 51% for Brown, 48% for Coakley and 2% for Kennedy (most of whose supporters will think they are actually voting for one of Those Kennedys)”

    Hm. We’re both being Pessimistic then. You’re Lowballing your presumably-preferred (though scarcely Ideal, I know) candidate’s margin of victory, while I’m ratcheting Up the magnitude of My (clothespinned-nose) preference’s margin of ignominious defeat. (As are the Voters right now, even as we Type, is my guess.) / As for the Liberty candidate: I know Joe Kennedy. I served with Joe Kennedy. Joe Kennedy is a Friend of mine. ;] And Joe Kennedy is No Those Kennedys.


    Gahrie – and then the election certified as accurate for Massachusetts – with 101% votes … (grin) …”

    Professionally, as a former Connecticut state elections officer, I must ask: so what’s your Point? 🙂

    The haggis was very good, thanks for asking — and for the Tricolour recipe! We both enjoyed it a lot. / Almost as much as the Single Malt. :>

  10. Joe Loy

    “…muchroom for improvement…

    Oy veh is mir. Hee hee.

    Yes, now we remember why we Missed you so, Laird Alasdair. (Apologies for name-misspelling above btw. / I blame the Single Malt. 🙂

  11. David K.

    So wait, I don’t get it, somebody took a picture and faked the GPS coordinates to be the White House and thats somehow funny?

  12. ceiliazul

    Yes, the obviousness of it, as well as the self satire of all 4chan feeding frenzies.

    No part of the humor has anything to do with political parties.

  13. Alasdair

    ceiliazul – you have been found guilty of herey by the DavidK Inquisition !

    (And we all know that NO-ONE expects the DavidK Inquisition !)


    (With h/t and/or apologies to Monty Python)

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