9 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Wow, lots of breaking news this morning… entertainment/business related (Conan & Jay), political/scandal related (Edwards love-child), economic (unemployment claims spike) and legal/political (SCOTUS ruling).

  2. Brendan Loy

    And yet MORE breaking news!

    “Breaking News: Pelosi rejects Senate version of health-care bill

    Speaker of the House says she does not have enough votes to pass the Senate version of the health-care bill, leaving President Obama’s most important domestic agenda item in grave jeopardy.”

  3. Brendan Loy

    Hmm… will our breaking-news icing-on-the-cake coaching story be the Oakland Raiders firing Tom Cable and hiring Jim Harbaugh?

    If so, it will doubtless start Harbaugh on the familiar career arc of being fired by the Raiders after a brief and unsuccessful stint, being immediately hired by a desperate SEC school seeking a return to glory, disregarding that school’s traditions and pissing off the NCAA and generally acting like a jackass, before promptly leaving for USC when Kiffin gets canned. 🙂

  4. B. Minich

    Hrmmmm . . . Tim Floyd insists that leaving USC wasn’t an admission of guilt. Also, WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

  5. Brendan Loy

    Not really. BREAKING MAJOR SPORTS NEWS would be something like:

    Brett Favre retires, then immediately un-retires, is signed by New Orleans; will play for Saints vs. Vikings Sunday

  6. B. Minich

    How about “The Penguins Being Awesome while playing the Washington Capitals”?

    Well, OK, I guess not. 😉 Today has no major sports news. Unless something happens in the next few hours like Kobe has a season ending injury or something.

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