15 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @chucktodd Who …

  1. ceiliazul

    I think Obama and Pelosi have both said “don’t hurry the bill” because they know they CANT hurry the bill.

    Dems have looked very shady as they have tried to speed this up. They have alienated many pols (and voters) by not including anyone outside their agenda. Now that they have come up short, everyone wants to appear the good guy by being the first to jump off the one-way train.

    The bill is NOT dead. Only a few more votes must be wrangled… but the “need for speed” is dead.

    and that’s a Very Good Thing.

  2. ceiliazul

    Honestly, we’ve been hearing about ~2 week away “deadlines” since August. This is really just the admission an endgame that Pelosi/Obama have been running from all along.

    The admission is, “Actually, we DO need just a bit of bipartisan support. Now that we’ve mocked and ignored all y’all for 6 months, who wants to talk??”

  3. David K.

    “The admission is, “Actually, we DO need just a bit of bipartisan support. Now that we’ve mocked and ignored all y’all for 6 months, who wants to talk??””

    Actually it’s more like, after you’ve ignored the opportunity to participate, stuck your fingers in your ears like 5 year old shouting “NANANANANAN CAN’T HEAR YOU OMG SOCIALISM” we’re goign to go ahead and put together a bill anyway, thanks for nothing a**holes.

  4. Joe Mama

    It is so maddening to hear partisan hacks regurgitate the talking point that Republicans have “ignored the opportunity to participate, stuck you fingers in your ears…” etc. Republicans have been talking ’till they’re friggin’ blue in the face about portability, health savings accounts, creating interstate competition with state-regulated markets, tort reform, etc. Maybe these are good ideas, maybe they’re not. But to say that Republicans have no ideas of their own or “ignored the opportunity to participate” is simply asinine. David K. doesn’t have the slightest clue what is going on on the Right.

  5. David K.

    Republicans haven’t even begun to put in a good faith effort becaus they don’t WANT things to change. Your right wing talking points are bullshit Joe Mama. If the Republicans really cared they would have worked with the administration or put forth a plan. They did neither. Instead they shout “SOCIALISM” at every opportunity.

    Joe Mama doesn’t even have the slightest clue whats is going on.

  6. Joe Mama

    Do you even read what other people say, David? Of course I know what’s going on — I just explained to you what Republicans are advocating for health care reform. Again, maybe they are good ideas, maybe they’re not, so disagree with them all you want. But they’re friggin’ there, and you just look like an ass if you, um, stick your fingers in your ears and ignore them.

  7. Alasdair

    Joe Mama – the extra text – “what is going on on the Right.
    – is unnecessary and potentially misleading to those who do not yet know the unbelievable extent of David K’s wisdom and sagacity …

    David K – apparently when you were actually doing the things you keep trying to project as Republican behaviour, you missed GOPers in Congress being locked out of committee rooms, you missed GOP alternative Healthcare Bill related stuff

    Perhaps David can tell us which GOP amendments to the Dem Healthcare Bill being proposed is/was released to be voted upon on the House (or Senate) floor ? The C-Span committee sessions I was able to watch had a lot of occurrences of GOP amendments being voted down on strict party lines in committee so that they could not even come to a full floor vote …

    The CBO has said this about Tort Refom, which is something that has strong GOP support and has consistently had strong GOP support … how come House and Senate haven’t sat down for a day to get that simple start of Tort Reform moving, so that at least those savings could lessen the Pelosi/Reid/Obama deficit growth ?

  8. Sandy Underpants

    The sad truth is Americans don’t want the healthcare reform bill. John Edwards was right when he said we live in 2 different Americas– One made up of total morons that the intellectual Americans have to deal with. Americans voted for Change when they elected Obama too bad Americans didn’t have the guts to have his back when he actually tried to put it into motion. Looking back today, I truly wish McCain and Palin won the election and Republicans remained the majority in both houses for three reasons– 1) Americans deserve that, 2) the party that created the American disaster we’re living through today can get the credit they earned, and 3) Obama has accomplished nothing and will accomplish nothing because Americans don’t truly want to change anything, they just want to keep the homeostasis right up to Americas collapse. And then they’ll blame whoever is president at that time for that.

  9. gahrie

    Hey Sandy…us “morons” just want you “intellectuals ” to leave us the hell alone.

    why don’t you move to canada or europe where you “intellectuals” alreay have control over the “moron” peasants….

  10. Alasdair

    gahrie – our respected friend, Sandy Underpants, just proved a significant part of why the US is in the current state in which we find ourselves …

    “Looking back today, I truly wish McCain and Palin won the election and Republicans remained the majority in both houses for three reasons …”

    Like many, unfortunately, SU firmly and fervently believes that the GOP controlled both Houses of Congress during the 2007-2008 Congress – and proceeded to elect Obama to counter that GOP control …

    The reality is that we would have been much better off if Congress had stayed the same with President McCain – or if Congress had switched to GOP-control with President Obama … in either of those cases, historically, we would have been better off than we have been with the Dems owning White House *and* both houses of Congress …

    It is genuinely sad how many otherwise -intelligent Americans genuinely believed that the GOP controlled Congress during the last 2 years of the Bush II Presidency … even more so considering that The One, Himself, referred to Bush’s 5 Budgets during the election campaign, recognising that the GOP didn’t have 8 unfettered years of control on Capitol Hill …

  11. Jazz

    Back to David and Joe Mama – speaking as a fella who hasn’t hesitated to throw the partisan tag at Joe Mama, it seems to me that you’re badly overreaching on this one David. Joe Mama is absolutely correct in his characterization of Republican health care proposals; maybe they’re right and maybe they’re not, but none of us knows that the Democratic vision of universal access is better than the Republican visions of increased competition, tort reform or other market-style manipulations.

    The Obama machine and sympathetic media has certainly pushed that access is the answer, and maybe they’re right, but this is an empirical question; we just don’t know. The question is moot! And Joe Mama may be just a partisan hack, but his argument in this thread is basically why health care reform has fallen on hard times…and its a pretty good argument, actually.

  12. Jazz

    Further to Sandy/David/et al suggesting that opponents of this bill are “morons”: its been said (by crazy folks!) that ObamaCare is tantamount to single payor. Its been countered by lefty types that such a view is nuts, the public option in the House and Senate bills are just “options”, they won’t affect your current care. Certainly, both bills are written that way.

    Probably like the majority of you, my family has large group insurance from an oligopolistic insurer in our state. Its always a laugh when we receive the statement of benefits for our daughters’ visits to the pediatrician. The office charges something over $100/visit, and then our powerful oligopolist insurer agrees to pay something like half of that, out of which we pay a copay. It probably basically works that way for many of you.

    If I had to guess, I’d bet our pediatricians aren’t thrilled having to give back half their fee due to the negotiating power of our giant insurance monster. Both the House and Senate bills promise that the public account will negotiate their own reimbursements. While the government won’t have to make a profit margin, which reduces their pressure vs. my oligopolistic insurer, the government is also promising savings, including bringing all manner of uninsurables into the system…and this is the government, which gives you pretty low Medicare reimbursement…in summary, while my giant insurer has negotiated 50% of the doctors’ fees, the guess here is that the government will go lower, for argument’s sake, let’s say the government rams through reimbursement at 40% of the doctor’s fees.

    Gotta think my pediatricians are *really* gonna hate that. What will they do in response, to keep themselves financially whole? The logical thing would be to jack up their published fees, in an arms race – away from the economic bottom – with the government. What will be the result of those jacked up fees?

    They will price any private payor out of the market. They will price out of the market any upstart that was encouraged as a way to break the oligopoly power of giant insurers. Where will all that market share go? We know the giant insurers don’t want them. So those folks will land in the government program.

    Which leaves you with a new oligopoly, only now its the government, with perfect pricing power and no (real) concern about profitability, plus one or two publicly traded giants. As rivalries go, that “competition” is like the fly vs. the speeding windshield, with the government the windshield and the private giants the flies.

    I may not have all the details right, but frankly the reason why so many people are nervous about all this is because no one can really articulate why something like the above won’t happen except that naysayers are a bunch of babies, and nah nah nah boo boo. Or something.

    Many of those calling opponents of reform idiots probably don’t have much insight regarding how the healthcare marketplace works, and how the reform will change that market for better of worse. Not that any reform supporters are idiots, of course.

  13. Alasdair

    WOW ! How many Seals does this make, so far, that have been broken ?

    Massachusetts just elected a GOP Senator …

    Jazz is supportive of the GOP position on Obama/Pelosi/Reid’s ideas on HealthCare “Reform” …

    Elder Loy publicly admitted to enjoying Haggis …

    It would seem that the theologists of the Cult of Anthropogenic Global Warming have spread even into the ranks of those who eagerly seek the Rapture – only now, where Rapture purists hold that the Breaking of the Seals presages the Return of The One, these AGW Cultists are now claiming that the Return of The One was always destined to foretell the Breaking of the Seals …

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