14 thoughts on “It’s getting hot in here

  1. gahrie

    The first decade of the 21st century was the warmest ever on Earth according to data released by scientists at NASA.

    Complete and utter bullshit. When the first sentence is so staggeringly wrong how could you even ponder posting about it.

    Hell, the Earth has been warmer than this during human history, let alone EVER.

  2. gahrie

    Between 6500 and 3500 B.C., the temperature increased from 58° F to 62° F. This is the warmest the Earth has been during the Holocene, which is why scientists refer to the period as the Holocene Maximum. Since the temperature of the Holocene Maximum is close to what global warming models project for the Earth by 2100, how Mankind faired during the era is instructive. The most striking fact is that it was during this period that the Agricultural Revolution began in the Middle East, laying the foundation for civilization. Yet, Greenhouse theory proponents claim the planet will experience severe environmental distress if the climate is that warm again.


  3. David K. Post author

    I’d point out that the temperature alone is not what the larger problem is in global warming, but you’ll probably ignore me and point to yet another right wing non-scientific source anyway, so really, whats the point.

  4. gahrie

    What is the larger problem?

    The seas aren’t rising.

    The glaciers aren’t melting.

    The polar bears aren’t starving/drowning.

    Storms aren’t worse than normal.

    The weather hasn’t changed.

    Seriously..what larger problem?

  5. gahrie

    point to yet another right wing non-scientific source anyway, so really, whats the point.

    Are you claiming that it wasn’t warmer during the Holocene Maximum?

    And if you are..where is your cite?

  6. Alasdair

    gahrie – you are expecting David K to give you a rational response to your question …

    Just because the sea levels aren’t consistently rising and staying risen …

    … and the glaciers that are melting in one area seem to be being balanced by glaciers growing elsewhere (like most of the Antarctic) …

    … and polar bear populations are thriving …

    … and storms are anywhere near as bad as during the historical period of the Irish Trojan blog …

    … and the weather isn’t changing significantly more than expected most places … well, except that an awful lot of the planet hasn’t exactly noticed warming in the past year or so …

    Seems that David K’s largest problem is that his dire predictions are as accurate as the prediction about the Himalayan glaciers vanishing in the next 50 years …

    Oh, well … I’m sure he’ll find other things to complain about … (grin)

  7. David K. Post author

    Keep talking to yourselves guys, no one is listening to your know-nothing comments as you simply echo each others right wing lies.

  8. gahrie

    Apparently you are still listening…

    and still engaging in personal attacks….

    and still not providing any evidence or links…..

  9. Alasdair

    gahrie – I cannot yet decide which character in Monty Python David K is … at times, he seems more like a bit part from “The Full Monty” … (I leave it to others to decide which part) …

    (innocent grin)

  10. gahrie

    Well..they haven’t retracted yet..but they will…

    The “science” is surely looking unsettled…..

  11. Alasdair

    gahrie – oh, stop being so obstructionist … according to the likes of David K, AGW is “sound science” – sadly, it’s “sound-and-fury-signifying-nothing science” …

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