3 thoughts on “Twitter: Saints beat Favre …

  1. Casey

    I’ve liked the Saints ever since Reggie settled there. But after their policy of repeatedly cheap-shotting Favre after the play, culminating in the dive-at-the-knees double shot in the 4th quarter, I’m not pulling for them anymore.

    Go Colts.

  2. David K.

    Cheap shotting? Favre didn’t get cheap shotted, he got legitimately hit, the flag they threw was a bullshit call since the guy was allready hitting him as he threw. Favre just had no protection from his o-line, can’t blame the defense for playing hard.

  3. Sandy Underpants

    Yeah, “late hit”, while the QB is still holding the ball. How much longer do the refs want to give the QB?

    That was an incredible game, and to see Bret Favre take that abuse and come back time after time, and you know how bad he wanted that game. It really makes you see what a dickwad Colt McCoy is, but it really makes you admire the love for the game and the desire to win that Favre put it all on the line and left it all on the field Sunday evening. They had to tape his foot on so he could finish the game!!!!

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