RT @LisaHorne @BrianRWagner: Kurt Warner expected to announce retirement on Friday. It’s your turn, Matt Leinart.
5 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @LisaHorne @BrianRWagner: …”
Sandy Underpants
The better man gets the start next year. Too bad Leinart had to push Warner out the door like that. We’ll miss you Kurt, but it’s off to the glue factory now. Bring in the next USC superbowl champion quarterback. First Reggie, then next year Leinart. Seems only fitting. Is it true that Vince Young is getting electroshock therapy this offseason? That’s really too bad.
Brendan Loy
I missed the memo where Reggie Bush was moved to quarterback.
Meanwhile, SI’s Don Banks projects Arizona drafting Tim Tebow. This would result in the two greatest college football players of the 2000s playing for the same NFL team, which would be kind of cool. Though only one of them is, or has been at any point in recent memory, a virgin.
Younger Loy – that comment, given that it’s on top of the one it followed, is just virgin on the ridiculous !
Sandy Underpants
I like Tebow (like everyone else), but does anyone really think he’s going to amount to anything in the NFL? It was painfully obvious this season that it was his supporting cast that really was the superstar of the gators rather than Tebow.
Without Percy Harvin, Superman had no pajamas.
His turn to retire?
Fortunately, Arizona is already prepared for this. Matt Leinart bobbleheads and jerseys and helmets line the shelves at the team store at the stadium. (Seriously. Went there the Tuesday after Christmas. One rack of Warner jerseys, and that was it.)
The better man gets the start next year. Too bad Leinart had to push Warner out the door like that. We’ll miss you Kurt, but it’s off to the glue factory now. Bring in the next USC superbowl champion quarterback. First Reggie, then next year Leinart. Seems only fitting. Is it true that Vince Young is getting electroshock therapy this offseason? That’s really too bad.
I missed the memo where Reggie Bush was moved to quarterback.
Meanwhile, SI’s Don Banks projects Arizona drafting Tim Tebow. This would result in the two greatest college football players of the 2000s playing for the same NFL team, which would be kind of cool. Though only one of them is, or has been at any point in recent memory, a virgin.
Younger Loy – that comment, given that it’s on top of the one it followed, is just virgin on the ridiculous !
I like Tebow (like everyone else), but does anyone really think he’s going to amount to anything in the NFL? It was painfully obvious this season that it was his supporting cast that really was the superstar of the gators rather than Tebow.
Without Percy Harvin, Superman had no pajamas.
His turn to retire?
Fortunately, Arizona is already prepared for this. Matt Leinart bobbleheads and jerseys and helmets line the shelves at the team store at the stadium. (Seriously. Went there the Tuesday after Christmas. One rack of Warner jerseys, and that was it.)