Monthly Archives: January 2010

Southwest storm shatters records

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From the “Brendan is seriously slacking on his weather-nerd duties” file… I knew the recent California/Arizona storm was a big deal, but I had no idea it was this big of a deal: The most powerful low pressure system in 140 years of record keeping swept through the Southwest U.S. [Thursday], bringing deadly flooding, tornadoes, hail, hurricane force winds, and… Read more »

Lieberman might endorse Lamont

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Again, you can’t make it up: Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman is keeping his options open as he considers possible endorsements for the fall elections — including backing one-time rival Ned Lamont. …Lamont beat Lieberman in a bitter Democratic primary in 2006, but then lost to Lieberman in the general election after Lieberman ran as an independent. Lamont is now considering… Read more »

CotW: Swordfish – Brilliant Predictor of the Future or Merely Awesome?

So when I made the decision to do this, I decided I would sometimes take a break from the news of the day and instead do some pop culture related stuff. Because I love pop culture and, let’s be honest, Brendan only has a passing familiarity with it. Plus, I have a minor in Film and it’s not doing any… Read more »

Jewish prayer prompts terror scare

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Can’t make it up: PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Authorities say a misunderstanding about a Jewish prayer ritual led to the diversion of a US Airways flight to Philadelphia. City police Lt. Frank Vanore says a 17-year-old boy on the plane was using tefillin, a set of small black boxes attached to leather straps and containing biblical passages. One box is strapped… Read more »