6 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @brando_minich Tomorrow, …

  1. Alasdair

    Did I not read somewhere that some of our President’s more intelligent and more rational animal rights supporters were demanding that Punxsutawney Phil be replaced by an Obamabot ?

    (innocent grin)

  2. B. Minich

    Heck, that groundhog has it MADE! Most of the year, he lives indoors in the Punxatawny (even growing up near Punxy, I can’t spell it. It’s why we call it Punxy) Groundhog Zoo. He just gets trotted up to Gobbler’s Knob (which is a stump outside of town, not in the park in the center of town like you see in the movie) once a year. Not a bad life for a groundhog.

  3. gahrie

    I’ve heard that Phil was replaced by Rick, a giant Chicago Sewer rat. Rick is under investigation for income tax evasion.

    I’ve also heard that Al Gore has already written two speeches, so that no matter what Rick predicts, he can blame it on climate change.

  4. Alasdair

    David K

    I’ve heard that gahrieDavid K isn’t funny. Glad to see its true.


    You’re welcome !

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