Other Groundhog Day news

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LIFE-US-GROUNDHOGIn case you haven’t heard, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means six more weeks of winter.

In other news, Nancy Pelosi saw her shadow, which means six more weeks without health-care reform.

Also, Barack Obama saw his shadow, but insisted he inherited it from George W. Bush.

Scott Brown saw his shadow, but announced it’s not his shadow, it’s the people’s shadow.

Rahm Emmanuel saw his shadow, and exclaimed, “F*** YOU, SHADOW!”

James Inhofe saw his shadow, but insisted the shadow could not possibly be manmade, as it’s folly to believe any human being could possibly block the light of the sun. He then decried the scientific conspiracy promoting the bogus theory of anthropogenic shadows.

Dick Cheney saw his shadow, and proceeded to waterboard it. But he insists this was not torture.

Sarah Palin saw her shadow. In Russia.

Andrew Sullivan uncovered evidence that Sarah Palin could not possibly have seen her shadow, and wrote 86 blog posts about this latest “odd lie.” Meanwhile, Sullivan himself saw his shadow, and praised President Obama for having the courage and subtle tactical brilliance to make the Sun come out despite the endless oppositionism of the nihilist Republicans.

John Boehner saw his shadow, and blamed President Obama for irresponsibly allowing the Sun to cast shadows. He proposed that this problem be solved by extending the Bush tax cuts.

Orly Taitz saw her shadow, and demanded to see its long-form birth certificate.

Several AIG executives saw their shadows, and gave them multi-million dollar bonuses.

Glenn Beck saw his shadow, and was afraid for our country. He then wept.

Pete Carroll did NOT see his shadow, because he now lives in Seattle, which, unlike L.A., does not have sunlight, ever. He then wept.

Lane Kiffin saw his shadow, which means he will stay at his current job for at least six more weeks.

8 thoughts on “Other Groundhog Day news

  1. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  2. Joe Loy

    Waw haw haw! 🙂

    Well. Except for the Glenn Beck one. I don’t care who you are, that’s Not Funny right there. :> Because contemplating the Bizarro-world shadow That guy casts, I really Am afraid for my country. Seriously. :0

    Btw right after reading The Living Room Times & its Links today, I saw My shadow, and thereupon predicted six more Dollars in the mail from the Federal Government to supplement the buck I robbed by Force & Coercion off of that annoying little brat across the street. (Stupid punk only had a One on him. Is there a more damning statistic? 😉

  3. Alasdair

    Venerable Loy – is that spending statistic not more than balanced by the fact the Grand-folk spend $1 on themselves for every $7 they spend on their Grand-kinder ?

  4. Yellamo

    OK. That was hilarious.

    I had to post a comment I saw on the Chicago Trib regarding the whole groundhog thing.

    “Six more weeks of winter says the groundhog. And somewhere Al Gore is preparing a press release to tell the world we should not believe the anti-climate change hype perpetuated by mythical creatures such as this.”

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