9 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Robert Gibbs: kind …

  1. Joe Mama

    I didn’t think anyone could do worse than Scott McClellan, but Baby Huey is testing that theory.

  2. David K.

    I’m normally one of the first to call out Sarah Palin for the many things wrong she does, but having some notes written on her hand? Whats the big deal? It shouldn’t be an issue in the first place, let alone something for Robert Gibbs to attempt to make a joke out of. I disagree with the conclusion about hope and change on the blog post, but agree that Robert Gibbs was an idiot for what he did.

  3. Jazz

    What’s so bizarre about Gibbs: either Palin just wrote the equivalent of crib sheets on her hand (i.e. what to focus on) or she really is too stupid to remember that energy is generally a main focus area.

    If its the latter, than doesn’t Team Obama want to STFU about that? Isn’t Obama’s presidency more or less imploding right about now? If Palin is too dumb to remember that energy is something she wants to talk about, isn’t she then the dream opponent for a shattered Obamessiah in 2012?

    So what the hell is Gibbs doing using that pulpit to shake her down? Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. I thought Obama and team were more disciplined than that. Makes them seem like f****** political neophytes.

  4. Jazz

    BTW to Joe Mama at #1: my wife and I checked out McClelland’s book (given the very clever name “What Happened”) to listen to on a long trip recently. Read by the author. We couldn’t take more than the first chapter. There aren’t that many people who can sound stupid re-reading their “own” (ghostwritten) words. McClelland is one of them. But Gibbs is a competitor in the proverbial race to the bottom, for sure…

  5. Alasdair

    Whether you respect Palin or not, she has the correct response to her “crib notes” critics, shown here

    What I find most fascinating about the whole brouhaha is how the Palin critics are the ones who consider writing notes on the palm of their hands to automatically be cheating … whereas a lot of folk seem to be responding with (paraphrasing) “WTF ? I write notes to myself that way on a regular basis.” …

    Chris Muir also has an excellent take on the whole thing here

  6. B. Minich

    I remember the first time I saw Gibbs. He just struck me as someone too smarmy for their own good. (Ari Fleisher was the same way to me.) McClellen won’t win any medals from me as “best press secretary EVAR!”, but he’s not as bad as Gibbs. Fleisher just rubs me the wrong way, as does Gibbs.

    The Press Secretary’s JOB is to say what the President’s position to the press. His job isn’t to interject barbs at the opposition. Criticize them, sure – but not to take shots like this. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

  7. kcatnd

    I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but it is kind of a dick move. Obama is probably better off replacing him before he really screws up.

  8. Alasdair

    kcatnd – isn’t it too late ? President Obama has *already* screwed up !

    How come the Dems can’t find someone like Tony Snow ? (And, knowing my audience here, yes, someone currently alive yet otherwise like Tony Snow ! OY !)

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